FTM Facial Hair: Does Coconut Oil Help Hair Growth?
Ask around the FTM community, and you’ll see one topic of discussion on repeat: how does someone promote facial hair growth during the transition process? Beard growth is hard for patients transitioning from female to male, especially in the first few months of hormone replacement therapy.
Still, facial hair growth is very important to FTM individuals as they affirm their gender identity and strive for masculine physical changes. The more complete the appearance of one’s facial hair, the more options an FTM person may have for styling.
This brings us to a common facial hair growth product that is increasingly popular in the FTM community: coconut oil. This simple household item has wide-reaching benefits for beard development and maintenance no matter where you are in the transition journey.
Let’s explore what coconut oil can do for you in your efforts to grow a full FTM beard and how to take full advantage of this product’s natural capabilities.
What Factors Influence FTM Facial Hair?
To understand what coconut oil can do for FTM facial hair growth, it could help to do a quick overview of the factors at play for patients in this position.
Time and Genetics
Even if you apply coconut oil religiously and do everything correctly, time and genetics are the two most important variables for growing facial hair, FTM or otherwise.
This doesn’t mean coconut oil or related products are ineffective, but simply that we can’t beat nature when developing facial hair after introducing hormones.
It’s important to stay optimistic when waiting for facial hair growth as an FTM patient and maintain realistic expectations — something our staff values here at Dr. Jae Pak, M.D.
Coconut oil and other boosters could move things along more quickly, but it’s ultimately a waiting game to see the best results.
Hormones and Medications
No amount of coconut oil is going to make up for the lack of proper hormone replacement therapy as an FTM individual. Male hormones like androgens and testosterone are the keys to growing facial hair and seeing masculine physiological changes in general.
Keep in mind that it usually takes several months for hormones to saturate the body’s systems and for facial hair to start growing in the FTM journey.
Other medications can also be implemented alongside these hormones, including FDA-approved oral Finasteride plus microneedling or microchanneling.
Treatments and Supplements
Coconut oil is unique in that it falls somewhere between a treatment, a supplement, and an alternative therapy. FTM patients should take advantage of the full spectrum of options to advance their facial hair goals, which means thinking outside the box.
This explains why many FTM individuals also explore treatments like microchanneling (a collagen induction therapy), low-level red light therapy, and even platelet-rich plasma injections to maximize their facial hair potential.
Working closely with a hair restoration expert can help FTM patients realize the full range of treatment options instead of relying on just one or two methods.
Why Coconut Oil for FTM Facial Hair?
With plenty of background knowledge on FTM facial hair growth and what to expect, it’s time to talk about coconut oil and the many benefits it provides.
Remember that everyone has a different experience with coconut oil as a facial hair catalyst. But given the high availability and low risk of this product, we recommend it to anyone looking for an easy and effective addition to their routine.
Nutrients and Benefits
This naturally occurring oil is loaded with tons of facial-hair-friendly nutrients and compounds from the rich and oily “meat” of the tropical coconut fruit.
Since coconut oil is nearly 90% fat, it may raise some questions about the efficacy of direct application. However, it’s the quality of this fat that sets it apart from others. In particular, medium-chain fatty acids are exceptionally rich while being somewhat lightweight and easily absorbed by the skin.
This leads us to the first benefit of coconut oil for beard growth: moisturization. Our skin functions best when it’s fully moisturized, and that’s when conditions are best for facial hair development for FTM patients. If your skin is chronically dry, don’t expect maximal beard growth. Coconut oil fixes this by delivering moisturization deep into each follicle unit.
Another way that coconut oil stimulates growth is by reducing inflammation and irritation in the skin, especially as FTM individuals experience beard development in the earliest stages.
Coconut oil helps to balance and regulate conditions in the skin while also fighting bacterial buildup and flakiness that can cause facial hair growth to fall short during a transition.
It’s also worth mentioning the high concentration of vitamins A and E in coconut oil, both of which have beard-boosting effects. The oil is also rich in antioxidants to fight free radicals and contains lauric and linoleic acid for antimicrobial effects.
Effective Carrier Oil
Coconut oil holds its own as a standalone product and should be part of any FTM grooming routine for all the reasons just described. But that’s just the beginning — as a carrier oil, this product takes on a new level of versatility and function.
The idea of carrier oil is a non-volatile base to which you can add essential oils and other products with high-powered therapeutic effects.
With a reliable carrier like coconut oil, you can easily mix and match various essential oils like lavender, rosemary, peppermint, and tea tree to create supercharged facial hair potions right at home. The carrier base allows essential oils to remain stable and equally distributed for cost-effectiveness and best results.
There are hundreds of essential oils waiting to be discovered, and each one brings a different range of benefits. Coconut oil unlocks them all and broadens your options for facial hair development.
All-Natural, Chemical Free
Last but not least, coconut oil is a natural product with no additives or unwanted chemicals. Buying organic ensures that your coconut oil is pure and authentic, which is a reasonable tradeoff for a slightly shorter shelf life.
For health-conscious FTM patients, the natural form of coconut oil has a lot of appeal. Some FTM folks opt for organic options when possible, so coconut oil is extra valuable in this respect.
Even after you’ve achieved the beard you desire in your transition process, continuing to use coconut oil is a smart move for your general health and maintenance.
How Should I Use Coconut Oil for Facial Hair Growth?
Doctors, therapists, and other members of the FTM community agree: that coconut oil is not something you want to leave out of your facial hair routine. But when it comes to implementing this powerful product, what’s the best approach?
Let’s discuss some practical tips for using coconut oil to get the best beard-growth effects in every stage of the transition process.
Timing and Routine
FTM patients have a lot on their plate in terms of HRT, therapy, and other responsibilities to ensure a safe transition. Thankfully, adding coconut oil to the mix is easy and intuitive.
Coconut oil is most effective when used every other day, so users get the best results by applying it three to four days a week. Overusing coconut oil saturates the skin too much and has the opposite of the intended effects.
In terms of routine timing, you should aim to use coconut oil in your evening routine before bed and use it as your main moisturizer for the night. For best results, any topical serums and medications should be applied before the coconut oil.
Warm, Mix, and Apply
When it comes time to apply coconut oil for facial hair growth, stick to the proven, repeatable steps. Since coconut oil often takes a solid form at room temperature, you’ll want to let the oil melt fully for smooth application.
Warming the oil can also help improve saturation, so use a glass container and half-powered bursts in the microwave to avoid overheating. Before applying, rub the oil in your hands to create an even application, then slowly massage the mixture across your face in circular movements.
Massage is key here since it adds extra stimulation to the process and can make a difference in facial hair growth. Determine how much coconut oil is needed for a complete application and avoid using too much at once.
Try Different Add-Ons
After a few sessions of standard coconut oil application, you can start mixing in essential oils or even combining coconut with other carrier oils like jojoba or sweet almond. You can also melt products like shea or cocoa butter for an extra protective layer once or twice per week.
Since essential oils are highly concentrated and effective in small doses, you don’t need much more than a few drops in the glass mixing container with your carrier oil.
You know you have the right amount of essential oil when you can feel a tingling sensation upon application while the oil absorbs evenly and without irritation.
Be Consistent
Like all things in the facial hair and grooming department, consistency is the most important factor when using coconut oil. FTM patients need to stay organized and ensure they don’t go for long periods of time, skipping components of their routine.
It may help to make a list of daily or weekly routine steps or digitize the process with an app to keep track. Working with a hair restoration pro is also helpful to stay on top of these tasks and discover the most effective treatment regimen for your needs.
Following a plan may be especially important if you choose to undergo a procedure, like a beard transplant, so having good habits and a support team to help keep you on track.
Boost FTM Facial Hair Growth the Right Way
While coconut oil is not a cure-all or an instant beard growth fix, it is a powerful, natural addition to any FTM grooming routine. Use coconut oil correctly and see what the various essential oils can do for your results.
In the meantime, connect with the hair restoration experts at Jae Pak MD Medical and work with us to plan for your future facial hair success.
Carrier Oils | Essential Oils Education
How To Improve Your Health and Beauty With Coconut Oil | Penn Medicine
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