Finasteride Alternatives: 10 Options to Consider - Jae Pak MD Medical

Finasteride Alternatives: 10 Options to Consider

In the world of men’s hair restoration, Finasteride is central to the conversation no matter who you talk to. Finasteride is the only FDA-approved hair loss medication that engages directly with DHT molecules in the scalp and has a long track record of effectiveness in men of all ages.

Whether working closely with a hair restoration pro or ordering a basic bundle of hair goods from an online pharmacist, you’ll likely see oral Finasteride in the mix.

But what if you can’t take Finasteride for whatever reason or want to hold off on the medication for as long as possible? Nowadays, many people prefer to take the natural route to hair growth. So If effective alternatives are available, they should be a priority.

Let’s talk about the best hair loss treatments that aren’t Finasteride, giving you a broader scope of options to achieve that ideal head of hair.

Why Not Finasteride? Limitations and Exceptions

Despite Finasteride’s praise throughout the years, this drug is not for everyone. Women and young men, for example, should not take this medication because of its interaction with male hormones and the potential to throw hormonal profiles out of balance. Individuals going through gender-affirming transitions should proceed with caution as well.

Finasteride is not advised for men who take medication related to prostate health or have a history of liver problems, making it inadvisable for some older men.

While oral Finasteride has been made more accessible than ever, this doesn’t mean it should always be the top option for everyone, and results are never guaranteed. While oral Finasteride can be helpful with existing hair, it is ineffective with already lost hair that you’re trying to grow back.

Whether you’re unhappy with the effects of Finasteride thus far, or you simply want a refreshed, natural approach to hair restoration, our list should provide a range of workable options moving forward. Let’s kick off our list now.

1. DHT Blocking Shampoo

DHT – a byproduct of the male hormone testosterone – is responsible for many functions in the body, both good and bad. The compound is notorious for disrupting the life cycle of follicles on the scalp, making it a culprit in androgenetic alopecia.

Since Finasteride tackles DHT levels head-on, it’s clear why the medicine has proved effective. But thankfully, other products perform a similar function without the side effects of this medicine, including various shower gels and shampoos.

DHT-blocking shampoos are seen as “hit-or-miss” in the hair-loss community since they tend to be unregulated and lack clinical support compared to more substantiated resources.

However, if you can find a shampoo that fits your lifestyle and gets you results with minimal side effects, there’s no reason to write it off.

2. Low-Level Light Therapy

The low-level light therapy phenomenon has grown beyond expectations in recent years, with hair restoration as one of the many benefits.

Low-level light therapy takes many forms, from full-body “beds” that work from all angles to specialized hats and vertical light bars for a targeted approach. This treatment may help save your hair and improve your quality of life in many other ways.

3. Essential Oils (Our Recommendations)

Hair loss should be viewed from a holistic standpoint rather than a standalone problem to be fixed with a single pill. 

This is why more patients seek products like essential oils that regenerate hair health at the root, ensuring that natural health is maximized before any medical intervention.

Essential oils of lavender are used to cleanse the scalp free of unwanted bacteria, while peppermint can stimulate the scalp for boosted blood flow and nutrient uptake. Some reports also suggest that rosemary oil may have DHT-blocking properties that mimic the mechanisms of Finasteride, making it an ideal organic substitute for that medication.

If you choose to add essential oils to your regimen, just remember to stay consistent with your application schedule, using these botanicals just as you would any serious treatment. 

Carrier oil and frequent scalp massage are also suggested for the best effect.

4. Antioxidant-Rich Diet

Diet makes a difference in our internal health as it does in our external appearance. A diet filled with processed foods and sugar will reduce the health of hair and skin over time, setting the stage for hair loss as we age.

While there may not be a “hair growth diet,” as some might suggest, simply shifting to more natural and nutritious foods can make a difference.

If your diet is on point, the need for medications like Finasteride could not be as urgent since your body has all of its necessary building blocks for healthy hair from nutrition.

5. Smart Lifestyle Changes

Sedentary living has taken its toll on many aspects of our health in the modern world, including hair loss. Research suggests that active lifestyles are more conducive to hair preservation in men and women, likely due to increased blood flow and reduced stress levels.

By treating your body right and ridding yourself of bad habits and toxins, you might find that your hair holds on for longer, even without using medications like Finasteride.

If you’ve ever seen a health transformation in real life, you know it’s more than weight loss. Everything changes for the better, including hair strength and longevity.

We’re here to help

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Jae Pak today.

6. Professional Microchanneling

One treatment that rivals Finasteride’s effectiveness is microchanneling, a form of collagen stimulation therapy performed by precision micro-needles tapped into the skin. 

The body’s response to the tiny punctures is the rapid production of collagen, elastin, and other potent compounds that heal and restore the scalp. With semi-frequent treatments, you may see dramatic results in hair health with micro channeling over time.

We mention “professional” treatment to differentiate the various tiers of microchanneling available within the industry. Clinical therapies may be more pricey, but the superior techniques and technologies are worth the cost.

7. Alternative Herbs and Supplements

Nutritionists cannot understate nutrient deficiencies today, and it’s a constant uphill battle for even those with clean, balanced diets. Not only is the standard American diet a disaster for health, but so-called “clean” foods also lack nutrients due to poor soil and the use of pesticides and preservatives.

As a result, supplementation has gone from a suggestion to a necessity, especially if you’re prone to hair loss. Vitamin D, Magnesium, Iron, and Omega-3 fatty acids are just the beginning, so take stock of your nutrient status and see where you may be deficient.

It doesn’t hurt to supplement with other herbs that could help hair grow, provided you have the foundation of health built strong.

10. Custom Hair Restoration Plan

There will never be a “master key” to hair replenishment, which is why a custom, comprehensive strategy always wins. Connecting with a leader in the field like Jae Pak, M.D., could be the single best thing you ever do for your hair.

Experts like Dr. Jae Pak don’t jump to conclusions but offer personalized strategies based on your circumstances, goals, and preferences. 

Combat Hair Loss – With or Without Finasteride

Before filling that Finasteride prescription, consider hair loss from a broader point of view. There are many ways to improve the condition of your scalp and hair without using medications, so keep an open mind!

Working with hair restoration professionals can help create a plan that fits your lifestyle, so reach out and schedule your appointment with Jae Pak MD Medical today.


6 Most Effective Alternatives to Finasteride | Scandinavian BioLabs

Effects of DHT and How to Decrease It | Self Decode

Finasteride Info | MedlinePlus

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